Majolica fragments
This collection was born from a study on a technique created by the artist Antoni Gaudì.
The technique takes the name of "Trencadìs", (in Catalan trencat which means broken, fragmented) fragments of ceramic are used placed next to each other as in a mosaic but with the difference that they are
placed randomly among each other.
Fascinated by the works of the artist Gaudì, I created the idea
this jewelry line.
The creative process is quite long and complex, it starts with the painting of the majolica, which I fragment
in small and large irregular pieces, successively
I recompose them randomly
on a white or colored base.
In this process I also added the Japanese "Kintsugi" technique in which a gold-colored powder is used to recompose the broken fragments.
This collection has a strong meaning, each piece symbolizes each of us, unique and precious, but when combined with other pieces it becomes a work of art.
Everything can be "repaired" you just need the right key and the touch of an artist who will be able to create a new life.